Doing Culture: Narratives of Cultural Production W22

HUMA 3207

Staffing and Volunteer Recruitment Optimization

Our company has dozens of staff members and volunteers with diverse backgrounds and experiences. However, we have had some challenges recruiting top-quality talent. Finding individuals who can invest their time in our mission can be costly. This project will involve several different steps for the students, including: Documenting the current state of our staff and volunteer recruitment process, from the time the resource need is identified to the time the position is filled. Creating visualizations such as data flow diagrams to identify strengths and pain points in our recruitment process. Assessing our current process and making recommendations for improvements and efficiencies. Documenting and mapping a target state process. Suggesting feedback mechanisms to gather input from staff, volunteers, and applicants.

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Category Talent recruitment

Workplace Language Analysis

Our company has hundreds of employees with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We want to understand how our employees communicate with each other and identify positive communication patterns to reinforce and negative communication patterns to correct. We would like to collaborate with students to analyze how our employees communicate. This will help us gain insights into power dynamics, positivity levels, gender relations, ideologies, and communication efficiency. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Systematically observing and recording oral and written communication in our organization. Analyzing data and determining patterns of significance. Recommending strategies to reinforce positive communication and correct negative communication habits. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Assisting in developing training material for a communications course.

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Category Workplace culture + 1