Accounting and Finance

XBIT 4500U
Open Closing on July 20, 2024
Ontario Tech University
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Capstone and Internship Coordinator
  • Undergraduate; 4th year
  • 5 Students; teams of 4
  • 50 hours per Student
  • Dates set by experience
  • Educators assign Students to projects
Preferred companies
  • 5 projects wanted
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any, Banking & finance, Business & management, Business services
Finance Accounting Sales strategy
project planning business consulting business strategy marketing strategy
Project timeline
  • September 3, 2024
    Experience start
  • December 3, 2024
    Experience end

Accounting major is designed for students interested in becoming a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), and for students who want to develop a strong foundation in accounting.

Finance Program offers the students foundations in finance that allow them to pursue various career paths in the financial services industry or a higher degree in finance.

Our students participate in various external case competitions, gaining hands-on experience, and meeting industry practitioners. Our finance faculty is involved in a variety of research

Beginning in September 2024, teams of 3-5 students will work with your organization to support you with achieving your key business objectives by developing a recommended plan of action.

* Please note that the course dates are subject to change depending on University scheduling*

Student skills
Project planning, Business consulting, Business strategy, Marketing strategy
  • Project plan and weekly status reports
  • Final project report with recommendations and an executive summary
  • Presentation of recommendations from top one or two teams (via a virtual webinar format)
Project Examples

Statistical Analysis

The appropriate model will be developed to predict how much a customer will spend at your business. This development will include the following:

  • Performing the appropriate statistical regression modelling techniques—in this case, a multiple regression statistical model.
  • Determining which data attributes provided are predictive.
  • Interpreting the model output.
  • Providing the formula from the statistical model that can be used to predict what a customer will spend.
  • Students will design, interpret, and provide the statistical regression model for your business to predict customer spend.

Financial Business Plan

  • Sales forecasting
  • Expense budget
  • Income projections (conservative and aggressive)
  • Assets and liabilities
  • Break-even analysis
  • Future recommendations

Financial Risk Analysis

  • Application of mathematical/statistical analysis and computing methods to analyze data.
  • Estimation of the volatility, correlation for returns, forward contracts, and industry-specific futures.
  • Presenting findings on market risk exposure and provide recommendations.
  • By using private (provided by your organization) and publicly available data on industry-specific derivatives, students will also perform a sensitivity analysis to identify the reliability of risk estimates.
Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Be available to attend a single kick-off/project scope meeting with all teams during second week of term. The kick-off will be a Q & A opportunity for all teams to solidify understanding of scope and requirements.

Be available to schedule and attend a final webinar presentation of project results during Week 8 of term. You can select the top one or two team solutions for presentations to minimize the load of multiple presentations.

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.

Provide a dedicated contact to answer periodic emails or take phone calls as needed to address student questions in a timely manner. Students will be coached to make judicious use of your time.

Complete Capstone Project Proposal documentation one week after initial Riipen project meeting with the university.

Commit to a minimum of 5 interactions with the five student teams remotely, approximately 4–6 hours minimum over the duration of the project. These contacts are likely to be question/answer sessions or requests for additional information or clarification.

Provide team feedback twice over the semester and complete a post course survey.