Looking to Hire a Student for an Internship, Field Placement or Coop Opportunity?

George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
She / Her
Project Coordinator, Work-integrated Learning & Experiential Education
  • September 2, 2019
    Experience start
  • December 31, 2019
    Experience end
1/10 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Sales, Retail, Food & beverage, Entertainment, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Business services, Apparel & fashion, Government, Technology, Education, Arts, Consumer goods & services, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Banking & finance, Marketing & advertising, Trade & international business, It & computing, Travel & tourism, Business & management, Construction, engineering & trades, Cosmetics & beauty, Events services, Human resources & recruitment, Media & production, Public relations & communications, Publishing & printing, Sports & fitness

Experience scope

Market research Operations Project management Marketing strategy
competitive analysis sales & marketing business strategy marketing strategy research
Student goals and capabilities

Meet the short term skill needs of your organization.

Work integrated learning comes in a variety of forms including internships, coops, practicum, and field placement.

Work integrated learning is a unique approach to talent development. You will gain access to job ready students who will bring you the right combination of people skills and technical skills.It’s also a great way to fill your short term employment needs and to build relationships with the best young talent in your industry.


Any level
2 Students
340 hours per Student
Students self-assign
Individual projects
Expected outcomes and deliverables

The deliverables will depend on the sector and the employer.

Project timeline
  • September 2, 2019
    Experience start
  • December 31, 2019
    Experience end

Project Examples


Work integrated learning comes in a variety of forms including internship, externship, coop, practicum, and field placement. Currently, over  95% of our programs offer work integrated learning opportunities, and our goal is to raise this number to 100%.

Program areas for field experience (please select one or more)

Arts, Design & Information Technology:
- Design
- Fashion
- Media & Performing Arts
- Information Technology

Community Services & Early Childhood:
- Deaf & Deafblind Studies
- Early Childhood Education
- Social & Community Services

Health Sciences:
- Dental Health
- Health Services Management
- Health & Wellness
- Nursing

Hospitality & Culinary Arts:
- Culinary / Chef
- Hospitality & Tourism Management

Construction & Engineering Technologies:
- Construction
- Architectural Technology
- Skilled Trades

- Accounting & Finance
- Human Resources
- Management
- Marketing

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox