George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
She / Her
Project Coordinator, Work-integrated Learning & Experiential Education
  • May 19, 2020
    Experience start
  • July 18, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • August 15, 2020
    Experience end
30 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any industries

Experience scope

Leadership Market research Operations Project management
competitive analysis sales & marketing business services business strategy project planning
Student goals and capabilities

Benefits to your company

Students in the Business Administration – Project Management advanced diploma program will be prepared to manage project scope and change, project control, project staffing and risk management, provide motivation and goal setting, utilize project management tools and perform other functions in careers that incorporate project management or in standalone project manager positions.


Any level
1 Student
360 hours per Student
Students self-assign
Individual projects
Expected outcomes and deliverables

To be decided with the industry partner and academic internship coordinator.

Project timeline
  • May 19, 2020
    Experience start
  • July 18, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • August 15, 2020
    Experience end

Project Examples


*Students are available between May 19th -August 14th and require a total of 360 hours.

Students are ready to contribute to (as individuals or in a team): • Analyzing of the impact of an organization's project management initiatives on its human resources, management, financial and business strategies, policies and practices • Implementation of a project plan including making trade-offs among competing objectives and taking timely action to deal with problems and opportunities • Application of accounting and financial knowledge to the management of projects • Allocation of human resources required to manage project tasks using leadership and teamwork skills • Working with teams and stakeholders effectively and in a professional manner, respecting differences.

Students' abilities include:

1. Evaluate the impact of global issues on an organization’s business opportunities by using an environmental scan.

2. Apply principles of corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility and ethics to support an organization’s business initiatives.

3. Assess and use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business initiatives.

4. Conduct and present research to support business decision making.

5. Plan, implement and evaluate projects by applying project management principles.

6. Perform work in compliance with relevant statutes, regulations and business practices.

7. Apply human resource practices to support management objectives and the organization’s goals.

8. Use accounting and financial principles to support the management and operations of an organization.

9. Assess marketing and sales concepts and strategies and apply them to the needs of an organization.

10. Outline principles of supply chain management and operations management and assess their impact on the operations of an organization.

11. Participate in the development of a business plan.

12. Develop strategies for ongoing personal and professional development to enhance work performance in the business field.

13. Outline strategies used to manage risks in an organization's business activities.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox