Agricultural Economics and Business Capstone

University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
2/3 project matches
Dates set by projects
Preferred companies
Any company type
Agriculture, Banking & finance, Energy, Environment, Food & beverage
Data analysis Market research Operations Competitive analysis Marketing strategy
problem solving communication quantitative and analytical skills creating and proposing reasonable solutions time management and self-organization assess own skills relative to employer/industry needs
Student goals and capabilities

Are you a business in the food/agricultural sector experiencing a challenge related to marketing, growth, or strategy? Work with students completing an independent study at the University of Guelph to gain valuable insights and develop a plan for success. Students will devote 140 hours to your project, and the deliverables will be agreed upon between the business and the student. Students are in their third or fourth year of undergraduate studies in agricultural economics and business and have gained knowledge of and skills with a focus on food and agricultural industries in

  • quantitative analysis , e.g. using regression analysis,
  • strategic analysis, e.g. using SWOT, PESTEL
  • planning tools, e.g. Business Model Canvas with Value Proposition Canvas
  • public policy impact analysis (cost-benefit analysis)

Students have good communication and team working skills.

Any level
5 Students
140 hours per Student
Students self-assign
Individual projects
Expected outcomes and deliverables

  • Policy or strategy briefs
  • Infographics
  • Written reports
  • Presentation, usually with slide deck
  • Poster presentation
  • In few cases, student have gained skills to develop video or animated material

Project Examples

Depending on the complexity of the decision problem, students can deliver on the following in full or in part (students are expected to allocate 140 hours to a project):

  • Literature review
  • Marketing plan
  • Business plan
  • Investment appraisal/capital budgeting
  • Market analysis and forecast
  • Supply chain management
  • Cost-benefit analysis of public policy
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Will there be a dedicated supervisor to the student during the project?

Project plan regarding objectives, methods, timelines has to be coordinated between employer, student and faculty advisor. Are you willing to do that?

Are you flexible regarding team size, i.e. from one student to small team of three?