Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions
  • question 1

    What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?

    Software development, communication, punctuality, dependability, problem-solving, time management, organization skills
  • question 2

    How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?

    Through electronic communication and Teams Meetings. They were professional and positive with the stakeholders.
  • question 3

    Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?

    Yes. This was a complex project that sometimes grew beyond original scope based on factors outside of everyone's control. The students still delivered and set clear expectations.
  • Team feedback

    Individual endorsement
    Operational efficiency Project management Software engineering Project management software User feedback Software features Operations Software development Customer relationship management

    Kyle was a RRC Polytech student whom I had the pleasure of working with for 3 months on a large software development project. Kyle acted as the Project Manager with a group of students. His communication was clear and concise. He is very personable and professional. He was able to capture our ideas and thoughts, and incorporate them into his designs. I would highly recommend him to any organization looking for a software developer.

    Kyle was an absolute joy to work with. He was very personable and professional in all his interactions with my team. What a wonderful student. He was the "group leader" for this project and handled that responsibility with ease. His presentations were clear and concise. He was able to capture our ideas and implement them into the software.
    Operational efficiency Project management Software engineering Project management software User feedback Software features Operations Software development Customer relationship management
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    SunCo CRM & Project Management Enhancement - Phase III
    Operational efficiency Project management Software engineering Project management software User feedback Software features Operations Software development Customer relationship management
    Created At
    November 22, 2024