Feedback details


Project feedback

The work I have done with the Women's Economic Council was quite fun and the nature of the deliverables often required me to tap into my creativity. The initial weeks of settling into the organization and determining my role and the deliverables required of me were a little challenging, but I attribute most of this to the project's short timeline. There were a couple of instances of miscommunication and initially a lack of agreed-upon procedures and timelines regarding deliverables. However, these issues were not difficult to resolve. Team members were easily reachable day-to-day throughout the weeks despite the various time zone differences and the general nature of remote work. The sharing of ideas, suggestions and other insights were highly encouraged and there were many opportunities to do so. I am satisfied with how much I have learned and the skills I have acquired. Overall, I enjoyed my term with the Women's Economic Council.
Allyson Soriano
Level UP Multidisciplinary Projects
Social Media Content Project
Created At
April 29, 2021