Improve Marketing & Branding Presence

Swing Paints Ltd
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Eric Chaimberg
VP - Marketing & Design
Preferred Students
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Marketing strategy Media
digital brand engagement hardware stores marketing social media content email marketing pay per click sales branding search engine optimization
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Swing Paints Limited is a family-owned & operated business in Montreal. We've been manufacturing paints, varnishes, and wood finishing products for 57 years under the Circa 1850 brand. We take a hands-on approach to every aspect of our business. Our goal is to produce the highest quality products.

Current Challenge

As a mature product category, we are tasked with attracting new and younger customers. Our industry has revolved around in-person shopping in hardware stores & hobbyists. To build our brand we established our website back in 2000 to create a dialogue with potential customers.

We need help improving our brand name recognition as well as attracting a wider market to the brand & its product offerings.

Desired Outcome

Our goal is to improve our online presence, build our brand name and attract a new audience. We take an educational standpoint towards our industry and so we are not driven by simple e-commerce sales but, rather, by improving the interest in our category as a whole.

What tasks will Students need to complete to achieve the project goal?

To accomplish this, we believe you could focus on:

  • Conducting citation/competitive analysis.
  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Digital marketing tactics, including SEO plan, PPC campaign plan, e-mail marketing plan, social media, content calendar, etc..
  • Students will have the flexibility to be creative in their approach - we encourage their fresh ideas and look to incorporate them into our branding efforts

We want to have a fresh and consistent digital brand presence that reflects our commitment to a flawless guest experience and attracts our target customer.

About the company

Swing Paints Limited is a family-owned and operated business located in Montreal, Canada. We have been manufacturing paints, varnishes, and wood refinishing products for the last 57 years. We take a very hands-on approach to every aspect of our business - from the raw materials to the look of each label. Our goal is to produce the highest quality products at the most competitive prices.