Crow Report Website Launch Preparation

Crow Report
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Academic experience
120 hours per Student
Intermediate level

Project scope

UX design Advertising Digital marketing Product or service launch Website development
user experience (ux) design revenue stream website optimization web development user experience (ux) search engine optimization digital marketing web design appeals

Crow Report is transitioning its prototype content aggregation website into a fully operational platform ready for public launch. The project's primary goal is to enhance the website's user-friendliness, visual appeal, and technical robustness. This involves refining the website's design to ensure an intuitive user experience and optimizing its performance for faster load times and smoother navigation. Additionally, the project includes implementing basic SEO strategies to improve search engine visibility and attract more users. Learners will also explore initial monetization strategies, such as integrating ad placements and evaluating subscription models. This project provides an opportunity for learners to apply their skills in web development, digital marketing, and user experience design, ensuring the website is ready to attract and retain users while generating initial revenue streams.


- A refined website design that enhances user experience and visual appeal.

- Optimized website performance for improved speed and navigation.

- Basic SEO strategies implemented to increase search engine visibility.

- Initial monetization strategies developed and integrated, including ad placements and subscription models.

- A comprehensive report detailing the changes made and strategies implemented, ready for presentation to Crow Report stakeholders.

No mentorship exists for this project.

About the company

Windsor, Ontario, Canada
0 - 1 employees
It & computing, Marketing & advertising, Media & production

The prototype has been developed in React.