Business Analysis of Software Applications July 2022

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Christian Smith
Academic experience
80 hours per Student
Intermediate level

Project scope

Operations Search engine optimization Information technology
computing platforms corporate services robotic process automation content marketing research reports business analysis marketing software analysis needs assessment business to business

Starting as of July 14 th 2022 week, we are looking for:

  • This is eligible for the Riipen LEVEL-UP Program starting this June 2022 and we need 15 student for 80 hours each.
  • Perform a Business and or Software Analyst process in the following steps below:

STAGE 1 Review and create a SaaS platform shortlist analysis of a Software Category to research our shortlisted software in depth.

SaaS software including new AI writing tools, RPA Robotic Process Automation, CRM systems / Community platforms/ LMS / Content marketing/SEO and more. We have more than 350 software platforms, apps and tools we are rolling out this 2022 to 2023 year.

STAGE 2: Perform Business Needs Analysis for the Challenges in our B2b corporate services and B2C Consumer divisions as to what are the best tools to launch. Present the shortlist and use cases and Feature Advantage and Benefits for the use case.

This will go into a Video, Written report , PowerPoint and may require training videos be created with staff.


STAGE 3: Mapping out the best training resources and systems once a software is selected for roll-out. Working with our digital marketing agency to help determine their recommendations first on your business analysis and then on the selected software if it meets the needs of our sales, marketing, social media programs or training needs. Setting up plans for the future coaches and staff to work with that software optimally for a positive onboarding experience.

STAGE 4: Research Report, PowerPoint and Presentation to our teams through Zoom. Note you will be part of a team, so there will be help.

Each student may have a different bucket of software types, and then we will meet with a manager and a 4 - person team to present the software analysis with a written and PowerPoint report.

If you love efficiencies, and software productivity enhancing tools or Media related software for videos and CRMs, Digital Marketing and Media creation tools, we might be a fit for you.


We will have weekly meetings for you to gain insight into the HR Consulting world as well as Software that supports the companies core objectives to create better productivity on the b2b side as well as b2c consumers side of our business. This will help you significantly for your entire career choices related to job searches, networking, personal branding, promotions and advancement, performance and organizing your career with metrics and journaling as well as more work life satisfaction.

You will have access to the Ultimate Jobsearch Formula 7 week program for training and Q&A each week it if offered live. There is an online version and this course is updated as well. We have new courses coming out for August related to the jobsearch and you will have access to several more of those including how to Thrive and stay Positive during the jobsearch.

About the company

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
2 - 10 employees
Human resources & recruitment, Business services, Education, Marketing & advertising, Consumer goods & services

CareerNiche is the Pioneer in the brand new category of Professional Career Transition Marketing and Organizational Change Management. We perform in the b2b Outplacement Coaching, Training and Consulting Services with Enterprise level Corporations and b2c Career Transition space for job seekers and career driven individuals. On the consumer (b2c) side, we are there for the lifelong career journey, helping driven, career - focused individuals who want to turbocharge their career success through proper personal branding and self-marketing for career, life and work advancements and transition. We prevent clients from living someone else's dreams for their future or being in a job or industry that no longer excites them. Next, with regard to career advancement or job searches or pivots from corporate to entrepreneur, we are there for client's entire career life cycle. CareerNiche recognizes the blurred lines between employees toggling between freelancers or contract gigs. We help clients gain a real advantage. You can help change our clients' careers and lives after job loss.
We are looking to produce our first PR Campaign the second half of 2024.