Marketing & Media International Group Inc.
Marketing & Media International Group Inc.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Online Website Design

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to gain a renewed understanding of the features and design that our target market would expect in our website. We would like to collaborate with students to produce a design prototype informed by real customer input and feedback that we can bring to a developer for implementation. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Conducting user interviews and research on our industry, our target market, and desired website features. Designing a wireframe prototype for our website and mapping out user interactions. Documenting the design process and any additional insights that emerge. Testing the prototype with customers and surveying for feedback. Refining design ideas with input from experts and customers. Prototyping multiple versions of a design that includes the desired website features.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 0
Category Product or service launch + 2

Online Website Design

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to gain a renewed understanding of the features and design that our target market would expect in our website. We would like to collaborate with students to produce a design prototype informed by real customer input and feedback that we can bring to a developer for implementation. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Conducting user interviews and research on our industry, our target market, and desired website features. Designing a wireframe prototype for our website and mapping out user interactions. Documenting the design process and any additional insights that emerge. Testing the prototype with customers and surveying for feedback. Refining design ideas with input from experts and customers. Prototyping multiple versions of a design that includes the desired website features.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 0
Category Product or service launch + 2

Brand Identity and Graphic Design

Our company is looking to solidify our identity and revamp the logo that we currently have. We are looking to better connect with our audience by standing out and being memorable while also being able to use the designs the students offer in a corporate setting. We are looking for real designs that we could use in our branding as well as general branding knowledge. The right candidate would work to create consistent promotional branding and come up with possible new names for the company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching the brand identity. Logo and name proposals that reflect who we are Work to create a branding guide for us to reference Help create prototypes using software tools that can be implemented in our marketing Research into the competitors to see what they are doing. Creating custom branding sheets with colours and logos.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 4

Brand Identity and Graphic Design

Our company is looking to solidify our identity and revamp the logo that we currently have. We are looking to better connect with our audience by standing out and being memorable while also being able to use the designs the students offer in a corporate setting. We are looking for real designs that we could use in our branding as well as general branding knowledge. The right candidate would work to create consistent promotional branding and come up with possible new names for the company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching the brand identity. Logo and name proposals that reflect who we are Work to create a branding guide for us to reference Help create prototypes using software tools that can be implemented in our marketing Research into the competitors to see what they are doing. Creating custom branding sheets with colours and logos.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 4

Blogging for Edgy Mag & MAMA BENZ Mag

Our company publish magazines online. We want to create a blog to strengthen our marketing. We would like to collaborate with students to create blog posts that drive more traffic to our website. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our goals, target market, products and services. Recommending topics for our blog posts. Drafting blog posts relevant to our business. Revising blog posts based on feedback. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending ways to market our blog.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 2
Category Media + 4

Financial Business Plan

We are excited to be launching a new business, (name of business and brief description of what the company will do). With any launch, having a financial plan is one of the keys to success, and we would like to involve students in creating one for our new venture. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Learning about our business strategy from various employees to become familiar with our goals, mission, and products. Creating forecasts using Excel (or another financial software) for sales in the first year of operation as well as an income projection (conservative and aggressive). Working with our team to develop an expense budget. Conducting a break-even analysis timeline using financial projections. Reporting on projected assets and liabilities. Including visual comparisons such as graphs and charts to show the differences between the conservative and aggressive income projection.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 0
Category Risk, audit and compliance + 2

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Application

Our company advertises thousands of products, and we want to leverage the latest technology to gain market advantage. Applications of this technology include recommendation algorithms, predictive analytics like lifetime values, fraud detections, and classifications. We would like to collaborate with students to apply the latest artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to our existing dataset. Students will develop an AI / ML model related to any of the aforementioned applications. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Conducting background research on our existing products and the dataset. Analyzing our current dataset. Researching the latest AI / ML techniques and how they could be applied to our data. Developing an AI / ML model that provides unique outcomes or insights into our data. Providing multiple solutions that can be applied to solve the same problem.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 4

Grants management for media project

Je suis a la recherche de stagiaires en télétravail bilingues et non rémunérés pour s'occuper sous ma supervision de l'administration de la recherche et la gestion des applications a remplir pour des programmes de subventions pour nos projets d'événements et radios communautaires, et pour des projets de médias télés et magazines multiculturels de notre corporation Marketing & Media International Group Inc. Nous sommes dans le domaine des médias et nous sommes situés a Montréal. mes sites sont: et, nous existons depuis 2014. Nous acceptons vos stagiaires francophones non rémunérés et en télétravail.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 1
Category Project management + 2

Edgy Media

in 8 weeks the projects goal will be to complete the edition of edgy mag to publish it or with some others publications by September and any other edgy media, tvs, radios, magazines, etc, plus for marketing assistance : the fashion design of t-shirts, and digital marketing writing and illustration to publish the magazines.

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 2
Category Social media marketing + 4

Mama Benz Magazine - Article Subject Research

Taking into account the editorial line of Mama Ben Magazine which is focused on the promotion of black women, suggest 15 attractive topics to be researched and published for our magazine. The subjects must bring added value to the fight for the promotion of black women in general and African women in particular. The subjects can have themes such as music, cinema, entrepreneurship, tourism, sport, fashion or anything else that is culturally significant to our values. A student in journalism, communications, or marketing would be ideal for this project.

Admin Serge Nkepseu
Matches 0
Category Creative writing + 1

Mama Benz - Marketing

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: We are an international start-up that has been operating since 2014 in the field of media, televisions, digital and printed magazines, radio stations.Our mission is to promote multiculturalism because we believe in human unity through different cultures. Mama Benz mag is a trimestrially magazine dedicated to promote afro canadian, african and blacks women. We aim to have a start up family style culture with a very inclusive approach. We are dynamic and passionate about our projects. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: writers and journalists and translator english french to write the articles (5 to 10 articles monthly of 500 and 750 words) researcher for finding the subjects (on african lifestyle, african travel, african food, african fashion, multiculturalism, african immigrants) social media community manager for Facebook page of Mama Benz Mag & Mama benz TV (daily and weekly) communication & marketing manager: public relations activities IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* to write the articles of 750 words on various subjects for Mama Benz Mag communication & marketing manager : Public Relaations activities FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: community social media : daily and weekly writers, translator english french and researcher: 5 to 10 articles in 4 - 7 weeks communication & marketing : 7 weeks IN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI : English and French All projects will begin on a first come, first serve basis, which cohorts are you + your team ABLE to participate in? February cohort - February 7 to March 25 / Cohorte de février - 7 février au 25 mars TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: [please indicate either 30 hours, 50 hours, or 70 hours/veuillez indiquer 30, 50 ou 70 heures]: 70 hours WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête. 2 to 3 witers, 1 translator for english french 1 community manager social media 1 communication & marketing manager PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Edwige Dazogbo EMAIL ADDRESS/ADRESSE E-MAIL:

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 3

Edgy Mag - Marketing

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: We are an international start-up that has been operating since 2014 in the field of media, televisions, digital and printed magazines, radio stations and soon Hotels.Our mission is to promote multiculturalism because we believe in human unity through different cultures. Edgy Magazine is a monthly multucultural lifestyle magazine : and an Editor in chief in Dubai. We aim to have a start up family style culture with a very inclusive approach. We are dynamic and passionate about our projects. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: writers and journalists and translator English to French to write the articles (5to 10 articles monthly of 500 and 750 words) researcher for finding the subjects (on lifestyle, travel, food, fashion, multiculturalism, international immigrants) graphist designer to design the pdf of the monthly magazine social media community manager for Facebook page of Edgy Magazine (daily and weekly) one project manager IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* to write the articles of 750 words on various subjects for Edgy Magazine to design the pdf of Edgy Magazine and design the promotional images for social medias post the articles on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media on the pages of Edgy Magazine one project manager FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: community social media: daily and weekly writers, translator English french, and researcher graphics IN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI : English All projects will begin on a first come, first serve basis, which cohorts are you + your team ABLE to participate in? February cohort - February 7 to March 25 / Cohorte de février - 7 février au 25 mars TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: [please indicate either 30 hours, 50 hours, or 70 hours/veuillez indiquer 30, 50 ou 70 heures]: 70 hours WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête. 2 to 3 witers, 1 translator for english french 1 community manager social media 1 communication & marketing manager PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Edwige Dazogbo EMAIL ADDRESS/ADRESSE E-MAIL:

Admin Edwige Dazogbo
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 4