Comparative Analysis of Helicopter Economics and Drone Use in Forest Fire Management
The main goal of this project is to perform a comparative analysis between current helicopter economics and drones in relation to forest fires. This will involve researching current helicopter economics and drone use, cold outreach to experts in the field, analysis of the data collected, and report writing. The project should also include the ability to create graphics and charts pertaining to the comparisons.
Written Content Creation and Editing for start up
Our organization is passionate about helping the environment and preventing wildfires. We are in start up phase and want to increase awareness about our company and create materials to get people investing in us. We would like to collaborate with students to draft, edit and review our written materials. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our organization and goals. Familiarize themselves with our brand. Help create written content including improving pitch deck, marketing materials, assist in grant writing. Identifying general areas for improvement in our writing including grammar. Having an eye to create content to help us grow. Create at least 3 pieces of content Bonus steps in the process would also include: Developing guidelines for writing and editing for future
Comparative Analysis of Helicopter Economics and Drone Use in Forest Fire Management
The main goal of this project is to perform a comparative analysis between current helicopter economics and drones in relation to forest fires. This will involve researching current helicopter economics and drone use, cold outreach to experts in the field, analysis of the data collected, and report writing. The project should also include the ability to create graphics and charts pertaining to the comparisons.