Research Seminar in Economics

ECON 4089
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tsvetanka Karagyozova
Assistant Professor
  • January 16, 2023
    Experience start
  • April 1, 2023
    Experience end
2/3 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Business services, Banking & finance, Marketing & advertising, Business & management

Experience scope

Accounting Data analysis Market research Operations Project management
competitive analysis business consulting business strategy data analysis research
Student goals and capabilities

The Research Seminar in Economics course offers advanced economics majors the opportunity to experience first-hand how the core methods and tools of economic analysis are applied to understand and solve economic problems faced by business organizations and policymakers. The course builds upon theoretical knowledge and quantitative and analytical skills developed in the prerequisite courses to guide students in producing an original research paper on a topic identified in collaboration with you under the supervision of the instructor.

Students can partner with you to

  • Use the correct theoretical approach to frame the issue identified in conjunction with you.
  • Conduct literature review; analyze and critically assess relevant work applicable to the research project.
  • Identify and apply the appropriate technical and analytical tools for addressing the problem at hand
  • Articulate evidence-based conclusions and provide appropriate recommendations.


Any level
26 Students
35 hours per Student
Students self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables

At the end of the term, you will be presented with a final report and will be invited to attend a short, focused presentation, where you will have the opportunity to share constructive feedback with the students.

Project timeline
  • January 16, 2023
    Experience start
  • April 1, 2023
    Experience end

Project Examples


This course assists students in developing strong analytical, quantitative, and communication skills through independent research. It familiarizes students with some of the major issues and research approaches in economics through discussions and presentations of various topics. ECON 4089 has offered students the opportunity to work on projects covering diverse topics including: poverty, microinsurance, economic development, foreign direct investment, corporate social responsibility and charitable giving.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox