Stephanie Rowe
Stephanie Rowe
Silverlight Productions Inc.
Silverlight Productions Inc.
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Data Entry for Film Footage-Europe

Our production company films many hours of footage about buffalo/bison and related topics, plus interviews with experts that need to be logged into excel spreadsheets for information retrieval during the editing process particularly for our European footage. We would like to collaborate with students in the data entry. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our simple, yet detailed, database structure. Transferring data into our databases efficiently, so that is it organized and easily retrievable. May require some research into identifying animals and locations, and noting interviews with experts (names, positions, locations - not transcriptions) Bonus steps in the process would also include: Providing assistance in creating new databases, and conducting research for marketing documentaries.

Matches 1
Category Databases + 1
The Shooting Star Press Inc.
The Shooting Star Press Inc.
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada

Audiobook (series) product launch

As a B2C company, our primary goal is creating products that are closely aligned to our market segment’s wants and needs, so that we can maximize our sales. We have recently created a new product to increase the breadth of our product line. It will be important to gather information on buying behaviour, experiences, expectations, and perception of both our brand and our largest competitors. Tasks may involve: Creating an unbiased survey with questions regarding consumer experience with our brand, perception of our products/services, and opinions on our competitors. Creating effective conversation questions for customer interviews. Determining the best way to reach customers and how to motivate them to provide feedback on the company (we will distribute the survey accordingly). Analyzing trends within primary data collected through the survey and interviews, and reporting on them.

Matches 2
Category Market research + 3
The Shooting Star Press Inc.
The Shooting Star Press Inc.
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada

Podcast Production

Since podcasts are becoming an increasingly popular content medium, our company hopes to capitalize on this by creating our own. In this project, students will collaborate with us to take advantage of trending media and create a season of our own podcast. We would like students to deliver a 5-episode podcast series based on our company’s nice to resonate with our target audience. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Collaborating with the project manager to form a name and a theme for the podcast, and a topic for each episode. Script various components of each podcast episode such as the introduction, welcome, call to action, and outro. Create cover art for the podcast. Research and plan what will be discussed on an episode-by-episode basis. Record and edit each episode. Facilitating special guest appearances in one or more episodes.

Matches 1
Category Media + 2

Optimize a SEO and Social Media Strategy

AFTER9 is looking to take its social media presence to the next level in order to drive traffic to our pages. To do this, we hope to improve our search engine optimization, and create an optimal schedule for our social media posts to be uploaded. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching keywords to determine the most relevant terms that our customers search for. Researching Search Engine Optimization requirements for us to rank on the first page of Google Constructing a content calendar to upload social media content for the maximum possible traffic Creating social media content using the most efficient keywords for our target audience while following the content calendar Identifying backlink opportunities on varous websites Bonus steps in the process would also include: Using our company’s social media analytics to tailor the content calendar to our customers activity, rather than general trends

Matches 2
Category Social media marketing + 3
Silverlight Productions Inc.
Silverlight Productions Inc.
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada


The main project goal is to facilitate the organization and accessibility of background material for documentary and book-related projects, particularly in logging film footage/photos, transcribing interviews, conducting marketing and PR research to further the productivity of the company. This requires detailed scrutiny, knowledge of excel spreadsheets, in-depth research skills, curiosity, adaptability to the needs of various projects, creativity and critical thinking, and the possibility of writing material for website promotion.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 3