Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Aitian Li
July 20, 2021
Project feedback
RBC is very helpful in providing the three coaching session for the group work, which also shed some light on our individual work.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Aitian Li
July 20, 2021
Project feedback
4.8/5 Overall, we worked smoothly and constructively during the whole process of group work. The whole research process was well structured. We refined our structure after receiving feedback from the first two tutor sessions. Then, each member picked up an area to further look into and prepare preliminary slides for the third tutor session. After that, we further made some big adjustments based on the comments received. Followed by that, we jumped out of the box and critically questioned each other's slide for further improvement. During the last few days, we rehearsed several times and polished our presentation. Everyone has their own leadership and working style, we managed to leverage everyone's strength.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Brandon Thimer
July 20, 2021
Project feedback
Good project idea, and very timely. However, having to do 2 projects was maybe a bit much.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Chloe Gao
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
Thank you, RBC, for this amazing opportunity. I learned a lot through both the group and individual cases. Curiosity, resilience and time management were all crucial to the project's success. And through this process, I was able to further undertand RBC's values - collaboration, diversity, accountability and integrity.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
adam Malah
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
Nice experience and good learning curve

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Emma Liu
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
In addition to the feedback commented under group project, want to mention how much I have learnt from doing research about the project topic.
Thanks for providing us the great opportunity!

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Emma Liu
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
Great experience and wonderful team! We were able to share knowledge, experiences and soft skills with each other during the process. Truly learnt a lot, from both professional learning (project topic) and personal development level (balance teamwork and individual competition). Also really appreciate our mentors' support and advice during the process! We couldn't have had such a great final output without their support. Thanks RBC and thanks Group 2!

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Piotr Kluz
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
Interesting theme, overall process kept challenging participants to be creative and collaborate.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Andrea Quintero Ruiz
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
Great topic of discussion with an easy-to-use platform. Perfect explanation of the process and evaluation

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Matthew Ke, P.Eng
July 19, 2021
Project feedback
The project was a unique and challenging experience in that it brought together 5 members who have never met, worked together, and at the same time compete with each other. But I was so fortunate to have worked with such an amazing group and the diversity of each member really shined in achieving the final goal. I was able to build upon my own set of skills by learning from each individual who brought their own perspective which never crossed my mind. And to top it off, I thought the impact investing theme was fantastic because I'll be the first to admit I never once put much thought into responsible investing before, let alone impact. The research done throughout the project definitely added a wrinkle or two in my brain regarding future investments.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Brett Feland
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
This was a challenging but engaging project, and I couldn't have asked for a better team to work with. The creativity, insight, and hard work brought forward by my teammates made this an enriching experience, and I'm grateful I had the chance to work and learn with them. The project itself provided many opportunities for us to learn about the rapidly changing field of impact investing, and the time spent with our mentors and presentation judges was extremely valuable.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Brett Feland
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
This project was a great opportunity. I learned a lot in the process, both about impact investing and wealth management in general. I particularly enjoyed learning more about the challenges associated with connecting impact investors with investment opportunities from social ventures and organizations.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Priscila Silva
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
The process was very well structured and organized.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Sikhil Thikkalveettil
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
It was well-organized and structured. Also, everyone associated with this process was so responsive and helpful. I had a pleasant time working with all of them.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Sikhil Thikkalveettil
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
It was well-organized and structured. Also, everyone associated with this process was so responsive and helpful. I had a pleasant time working with all of them.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Sebastian Olivares Toussaint
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
The project was very well organized and offered the opportunity to meet people from RBC and master’s students from other schools.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Sebastian Olivares Toussaint
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
I enjoyed working with my teammates. It was also an excellent opportunity to meet two previous generalists and get their feedback during the project.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
adam Malah
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
An interesting experience and good learning curve

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Jesse Mikelberg
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
I thoroughly enjoyed the process! I urge RBC to continue administering both a group & individual case project moving forward.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Jennifer Chen
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
Having two mentors made the meeting process confusing because the mentors had conflicting feedback from each other and it was difficult to know which mentor to follow. It'd be better if there was only one mentor in the future. Moving back the deadline felt unfair to teams that sacrificed other things to prioritize time for this project. It could have been a chance for all teams to practice their time management skills.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Jennifer Chen
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
Individual project was a bit broad which made narrowing down the content a bit difficult. It would be easier to comprehend if we had a bit more detail.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Chloe Gao
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
Thank you, RBC, for this amazing opportunity. I have learned a lot about impact investing and genuinely enjoyed collaborating with my teammates from different schools with diverse backgrounds!

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Jong-Kyoung Kim
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
Great opportunity to learn about an emerging area of investing.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Group Work
Jong-Kyoung Kim
July 18, 2021
Project feedback
Great opportunity to learn about an emerging area of investing.

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Jesse Mikelberg
July 11, 2021
Project feedback
Enjoyable experience to say the least! Please continue moving forward with both Group & Individual Project opportunities!

RBC - Wealth Management Case Competition
RBC Competitions

RBC WMGP - Individual Work
Alyssa Kowalenko
January 29, 2021
Project feedback
This was a great experience especially as a student who has grown up with Mental Health being such an important part of my learning experience and life as a young adult.

QCMHA x RBC Case Competition Round 1
Queen's Commerce Mental Health Association

QCMHA x RBC Case Competition Round 1
Luke D'Ambrosi
January 28, 2021
Project feedback
It was great to experience one of my first case competitions on such an important matter! Thank you for this opportunity.

QCMHA x RBC Case Competition Round 1
Queen's Commerce Mental Health Association

QCMHA x RBC Case Competition Round 1
Matthew Recoskie
January 28, 2021
Project feedback
This RBC Case Challenge has been amazing in every way, and everyone involved was great and worked hard to make it a valuable experience.

RBC / DeGroote Business Case Challenge - Investor and Treasury Services
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University

RBC Investor & Treasure Services - DeGroote Business Case Challenge
Bob Wei
January 28, 2021
Project feedback
Looks nice, however, it's difficult to navigate (couldn't find the documents)

QCMHA x RBC Case Competition Round 1
Queen's Commerce Mental Health Association

QCMHA x RBC Case Competition Round 1
Miaole Zhi
January 28, 2021
Project feedback
It was a great challenge

RBC / DeGroote Business Case Challenge - Human Resources
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University

RBC Human Resources - DeGroote Business Case Challenge