Product Bricks Ventures
Product Bricks Ventures
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Stop Searching.
Start Deciding.
Our life is shaped by the decisions we make. However, making good decisions is hard, and making them quickly is even harder.

Oogway is your personalized AI Decision Assistant. Simply tell Oogway what you want to decide and it'll provide personalized recommendations for you.

Number of employees
2 - 10 employees
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Recent projects

Marketing strategy for a new AI startup Strategylabs.AI

We are launching an new startup. Strategylabs is an AI assistant for startups that provides reliable market data & analysis to empower business decisions. We need to start building a marketing strategy for new startup. We are looking for help in the following areas. Positioning statement, motto for a brand Situation analysis – the four Ps: product, place, price, promotion SWOT analysis Marketing strategies based on markets, segments, and customer value and an implementation plan for that strategy with measures for performance

Admin Aniket Malvankar
Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 1

Pricing model for a new AI product for Sales Enablement

We are new startup building an AI based product to help sales team be better educated. Problem Statement: Sales teams need the latest product & market intelligence to thrive. This information is scattered across various teams making it extremely difficult to collect and share. Our AI engine gathers insights from internal documents & competitive data across the web to deliver customized sales content needed to win each deal. To accomplish this, we believe you will need to conduct the following research: The competitive landscape of this new market. Organizing focus groups, surveys, and/or potential customer discovery interviews to get input and feedback on potential pricing models. We want to enter this new market with a proven pricing model so that we can have a successful launch.  Final deliverables should include: A written report including an Executive Summary that illustrates your research findings and recommendations on our pricing model. A visual presentation of your research findings and recommendations. 

Admin Aniket Malvankar
Matches 0
Category Market research + 1

Market Research for new AI product for Sales Enablement

Problem: There is way too much information generated both internally & externally (competitive/partners) for individuals to be on top of. Businesses do not have adequate human capital needed to gather, organize, contextualize and share information across teams. This leads to suboptimal strategy decisions across the organization. Why is the problem worth solving? Due to technological innovation it is easier than ever to start a business. As a result most businesses have an ever changing competitive landscape that needs to be monitored. AGILE software development has enabled companies to release new features regularly to address customer and competitive needs. A combination of these two factors has led to a ton of information that needs to be collected, so it can be passed to product & sales/marketing teams. In most organizations there is not a single entity responsible for collecting and distributing this information. This leads to a lot of this information never being gathered or shared leading to suboptimal business decisions and execution. Solution: Our AI engine gathers insights from internal documents & competitive data across the web to deliver customized sales content needed to win each deal. We need market research done across Sales & Sales Enablement professionals in B2B tech space to validate the problem and solution. We would also like the team to tell us as a part of the research what features we should build in our product.

Admin Aniket Malvankar
Matches 0
Category Market research + 1

UI/UX for a new AI product for Sales Enablement

We are new startup building an AI based product to help sales team be better educated. Problem Statement: Sales teams need the latest product & market intelligence to thrive. This information is scattered across various teams making it extremely difficult to collect and share. Our AI engine gathers insights from internal documents & competitive data across the web to deliver customized sales content needed to win each deal. To accomplish this project, we believe you will need to: Understand user workflow using a low fidelity prototype and design documents Research the best UX for each use case and target customer persona Create a high fidelity prototype for desktop, tablet and mobile resolutions Final deliverables should include: A high fidelity responsive prototype which reflects an easy to use and intuitive UI/UX, for desktop

Admin Garima Ahuja
Matches 0
Category Design - general

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