Attention and motor control research assistant: Winter 2024
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete attention and visuomotor tasks using touch screens. These data will help us better understand the relationship between attention and visuomotor control. The student will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. The student will be asked to prepare a brief final report summarizing their findings.

Motor control research assistant Phase 2
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor tasks using touch screens. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and the degree to which we have conscious control over our actions. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a brief final report summarizing their findings.

Motor control research assistant: Spring 2023
I have positions available for 2 students for 80 hours each to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor tasks using touch screens. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and the degree to which we have conscious control over our actions. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a brief final report summarizing their findings.

Research assistant, Data analysis, Phase 1
The main goal of the project is to statistically analyze data to determine the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on visual attention. The research assistant will be expected to help with sorting and statistically analyzing data from a large dataset of human participants.

Level-up: Motor control research assistant, Phase 2 (March-April, 2023)
I have positions available for 2 students for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor learning tasks that require them to adapt to optically displacing prism goggles while reaching to targets. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and how different parts of the brain are involved in visuomotor learning. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a final report summarizing their findings.

Level-up: Motor control research assistant, Phase 1 (Jan-Feb, 2023)
I have positions available for 2 students for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete visuomotor learning tasks that require them to adapt to optically displacing prism goggles while reaching to targets. These data will help us better understand how different types of visual information influence motor learning, and how different parts of the brain are involved in visuomotor learning. The students will gain hands-on experience with data collection and develop their data analysis skills. Each student will be asked to prepare a final report summarizing their findings.

Level-up: Online research assistant, Phase 1 (Sept-Oct, 2022)
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to program and administer online experiments through Testable.org and analyze the data. The results of these studies will help us better understand how the human mind processes information. The student will gain valuable experience programming experiments and data processing and statistics.

Level-up: tDCS research assistant, Phase 3 (Jan-Feb, 2023)
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete an attention task before, during, and after 20 minutes of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). These data will help us better understand how different parts of the brain control attention. The student will gain research experience using non-invasive brain stimulation and develop their data analysis skills.

Level-up: tDCS research assistant, Phase 2 (Nov-Dec, 2022)
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete an attention task before, during, and after 20 minutes of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). These data will help us better understand how different parts of the brain control attention. The student will gain research experience using non-invasive brain stimulation and develop their data analysis skills.

Level-up: tDCS research assistant, Phase 1 (Sept-Oct, 2022)
I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to learn how to collect and statistically analyze data from participants who will complete an attention task before, during, and after 20 minutes of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). These data will help us better understand how different parts of the brain control attention. The student will gain research experience using non-invasive brain stimulation and develop their data analysis skills.