Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Market Analysis and Strategy Development for EduTutor

EduTutor, a tutoring company, seeks to optimize its resource allocation and marketing strategies to better serve students in need of tutoring services. The project involves researching both qualitative and quantitative data to identify the geographic locations of students who require tutoring, the subjects they need help with, and their willingness to pay for these services. Additionally, the project aims to determine other critical factors that will help EduTutor concentrate its resources effectively. The team will also research various marketing methods used in the tutoring industry, analyze conversion rates, and calculate the return on investment (ROI) for different marketing tools. The ultimate goal is to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that maximizes customer acquisition and optimizes resource allocation.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Market research + 4

Teacher Needs Analysis and Marketing Plan Development

EduTutor aims to better understand the needs of teachers to enhance its services and support. The project involves researching both quantitative and qualitative data to identify the key challenges and requirements of teachers. The goal is to draw meaningful conclusions from this data to inform a targeted marketing plan. This plan will outline strategies to effectively communicate EduTutor's solutions to teachers, ensuring that their needs are met. The project will allow learners to apply their knowledge of data analysis, research methodologies, and marketing principles in a real-world context. Tasks include data collection, analysis, and the development of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Key tasks: - Collect and analyze quantitative data (e.g., surveys, statistics). - Conduct qualitative research (e.g., interviews, focus groups). - Synthesize findings to identify key teacher needs. - Develop a marketing plan based on the research findings.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Market research + 2

EduTutor JPEG to Vector File Creation 23-24

Our company is looking for help to find JPEG files and convert them to Vector files. These will be used to help educate our students. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with researching and finding JPEG files online on free sites Researching ways to quickly convert JPEG files to Vector files Finding free sources for JPEG and Vector files Creating a template that future students can follow in order to create a library of vector files

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Email Marketing Campaign 23-24

Our company provides affordable and quality tutoring. We hope to revamp our email marketing to attract more customers. We would like to work with students to design a new email marketing campaign for our company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our company’s services, email marketing campaign goals and target market. Identifying types of emails and content that our company should send out such as welcome emails, newsletters, and re-engagement emails. Researching factors affecting the effectiveness of email marketing such as when emails are sent and making recommendations. Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Identifying ways to personalize emails for customers based on market segmentation.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 0
Category Digital marketing + 1

Website / Product User Testing EduTutor 23-24

Our company would like to explore and find user testing insights on our current website. We believe that insights coming out of these experiments will help us design a better product and offer a better experience to our customers. We would like a group of students to conduct user testing scenarios on our product with a handful of current and potential customers of ours and then report the results back to us. Conducting background research on our existing web application. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed. Identifying key areas of our current product and narrowing down which sections of the product and what scenarios should be tested with the users. Learning about various testing techniques that are currently industry standard and learning how to perform them efficiently and capture feedback well. Conducting user testing scenarios with our product and reporting results back

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category UI design + 1

Website Development Part 2 EduTutor 23-24

Our company provides affordable and engaging tutoring for Grade 6-12 students in all subject areas. We are looking to use our research from a previous Riipen project to create a new and amazing website to attract more customers. We would like to work with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through WordPress and Divi. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable. Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content. Providing training on updating and maintaining the website. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Website development + 2

EduTutor - Market Expansion Research 23-24

EduTutor is looking to expand to the United States and Western Canada. We have many students around the world but plan on exploring the West Coast. With your help, we hope to assess our customer landscape beyond the demographics we currently cater to by learning about their expectations and behaviors. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching the target market in potential new locations including demographic data such as spending power, proximity, accessibility, and location appeal, and creating a weighted decision matrix to assign importance to each factor. Creating a survey based on the location and demographic information above to be distributed by our company. Analyzing survey data using the weighted decision matrix to decide on the best location options for us to expand to. Compiling a report including the location analysis, and optimal location recommendations.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 4
Category Market research + 4

EduTutor Website Development 23-24

Our company works with tutors, educators, students and parents across the globe. Our social venture strives to provide affordable and quality tutoring and to provide opportunities for a diverse group of tutors to find flexible work. We would like to work with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through common site building tools such as Wix, Webflow, and WordPress. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages. Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable. Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content. Providing training on updating and maintaining the website. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Website development + 2

Teaching and Research Project 23-24

During this project, students will researching various teaching techniques that can be used for asynchronous and synchronous learning. The first part of the project will be researching effective ways to help students in K-12 as well as post-secondary students. The second part of the project will be implementing the various techniques in an online setting and determining which method is the most effective ways of teaching difficult concepts online. Main Goal: Research THREE synchronous and asynchronous teaching techniques to teach K-12 students. The candidates will be working closely with our teaching team and will learn new transferable and soft skills that will help them with teaching and tutoring K-12 students. The candidates will hone and improve these skills over the 80 hours. Final deliverables should include A report including all research, survey data, and analysis A slide deck to be presented to the project manager explaining the report including all choices made regarding teaching techniques

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 3
Category Education

Teaching and Research Project 23-24

During this project, students will researching various teaching techniques that can be used for asynchronous and synchronous learning. The first part of the project will be researching effective ways to help students in K-12 as well as post-secondary students. The second part of the project will be implementing the various techniques in an online setting and determining which method is the most effective ways of teaching difficult concepts online. Main Goal: Research synchronous and asynchronous teaching techniques to teach K-12 students. The candidates will be working closely with our teaching team and will learn new transferable and soft skills that will help them with teaching and tutoring K-12 students. The candidates will hone and improve these skills over the 80 hours.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Education

AI Powered Educational Platform

The goal of the project is to create a MVP for an AI powered educational platform that creates questions, projects and assignments for students and teachers. There will be other features to the platform and during our meetings, the team of students will provide input and advice on which features should be added to the MVP.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 4
Category Artificial intelligence + 2

Platform Prototype

EduTutor has been working on an educational platform to help students with their study skills and teachers with their workload. The platform will require the use of AI, databases, and be community based. Onboarding and vetting our users and data will be critical for the prototype. Our goal is to create a Freemium eLearning platform that will help students study for their tests, exams and projects in a more collaborative environment. The interns will be responsible for: examine our Figma design and make recommendations implement any changes to the platform determine a plan of action to create a prototype of the platform create a working prototype of the platform test and iterate upon the platform

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 0
Category Software development + 4

Partnerships - EduTutor 6

We would like students to help us build a marketing strategy plan to grow and engage our target market through Partnerships, For-Profit and Non-Profits. We’d like to know how we can maximize use of different channels and get recommendations to improve our messaging to our potential partners. The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following: What are the different channels we can use to reach potential partner businesses and non-profits? How can we generate leads for potential partnerships with other businesses and non-profits? Where can we find message boards to approach our potential partners? What are the different non-profits we can approach, whom should we contact specifically, what is their job title and what is their contact information? Determine the best way to approach the partners Determine other ways to approach partner businesses and non-profits

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 0
Category Lead generation + 4

EduTutor - Social Media Audit - 5

The project will require students to perform an in-depth audit of our social media as well as the SEO of our competitors. By the end of the project, EduTutor will receive a report that clearly outlines our pros and cons as well as those of our competitors. Actionable recommendations will be a critical part of the project.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 4

EduTutor - Physics Research and Teaching - 4

The project will require a Physics student with great communication skills who can research different ways to teach Physics online. The successful candidate will research and practice the most effective ways to teach Physics online. As well, the research will also examine the best software to use in order to have engaging tutoring sessions. Examining the pros and cons of various teaching methods will be critical.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Education

EduTutor - Brand and Graphic Design - 3

The purpose of the project is to create marketing material through flyers, Instagram posts, Facebook ads, and other means of marketing our company. We are in the midst of creating a new platform, EduShare, and require more marketing materials to promote the platform and to reach our audience. By creating engaging posts and marketing material, we will be able to engage our audience and have people subscribe to our services.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 4

SEO - Marketing - Research 23-24

The scope of the project is to do research, marketing and to implement a SEO strategy to best improve our company's customer acquisition. Specifically, we have a contract with the PVNCCDSB, a catholic school board in southwest Ontario. The research will be to identify the clients and people within the board that we can contact regarding our free services. Once we identify our customers, creating a marketing strategy aimed at those clients would be an essential next step. Finally, implementing the SEO strategy would be the final step. Students will work directly with the CEO of the company on a weekly basis. By the end of the project, the research will help the company focus their marketing strategy even further and students will have an opportunity to implement some of their ideas. Final deliverables should include A report including all research, survey data, and analysis with location recommendations based on the weighted decision matrix. A slide deck to be presented to the project manager explaining the report including all choices made and location recommendations.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Market research + 1

EduTutor - Research and Online Teaching - 2

Research and Online Teaching: Students will be working directly with the CEO of the company to use their online teaching skills and determine the most effective ways to teach K-12 students online. With the pandemic, there are more software solutions to teaching online. The goal of the project is to research these new ways to teach and to put them into practice with students. By the end of the project, successful candidates will have submitted a research paper pertaining to their experiences using new online teaching methods and have first-hand experience implementing and testing these new methods.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Training & development + 1

EduTutor - Tik Tok Research and Videos - 1

The project will involve students prepare Tik Tok videos that will appeal to parents and students to come to to see our tutoring services. The videos must be engaging, informative and marketable. Videos will pertain to anything educational (ie Math and Art, How the Number Zero was created, The science behind rockets, etc.). By the end of the project, students must have at least 20+ TikTok videos completed.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Videography + 2

Digital Educational English Content Creation

We would like students to help us with creating digital English content for our platform. Students will be using their creativity to create lessons plans, questions, projects and any other content that will help teachers in their classroom. By the end of the project, students will have helped create interactive content for our platform.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Creative writing + 1

EduTutor - Blog and Research

The main purpose of the project is to look at education through the eyes of teachers, parents, students and tutors. Researching various teaching techniques and issues facing education will be critical. Once the research portion is completed, students will take the information and create blog entries for our website,

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Media + 3

EduTutor - Game Design - Polish/Sound/Testing

Students will be working on the MVP of a math game. Polishing the game, working out the bugs for the prototype and testing will be part of the project as well as working on adding sound to the game.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Media + 2

EduTutor - Game Design - Developer

A team of game design students will create a minimum viable product (MVP) of a new educational math video game. A game design document (GDD) has already been created and the team will be working on creating a video game as outlined in the GDD. For this to happen, this project needs strong programmers. Students will be using the GDD as well as the storyboard and use their skills using Unity platform to create the MVP of the game. During the project, specific tasks will be given to students. For example, coding the movement of an avatar, networking, creating the map system, the creation of a points system, etc. The developers will use their coding skills to convert the written document into code. The tasks will be determined based on the student's skills and interest.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Networking + 3

EduTutor - New Character Development

Students will work together to finish another playable character as well as working on recolouring models to have different player options. This will be a similar process to a previous project, however, the same rig and animations will be used to save time on this model. Students will work together to complete another model in a reasonable amount of time. To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: work closely with the CEO and the marketing team use their artistic skills to create characters/images/avatars use their research skills on character development in order to improve their work

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Media + 2

EduTutor - Script Development

This project will examine the creation of various scripts for our information videos. Through research and the examination of various videos as well as research papers already created, students will create a script that will lead to the creation of information videos for our clients. The script must take into account not only the research but all marketing aspects that will increase the number of views and to clients signing up for our services.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 2

EduTutor - Game Design - GDD

The main goal for the project is to have a team of Game Design students create the wires for a new educational game that will help students with their math skills. In order to do this project, the team must create a Game Design Document (GDD). The team must meet with the CEO, marketing team and teachers to determine the features in the game that will help high school with their math.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Software development

EduTutor - 7 - Training Video

The purpose of the project is to create a script and a video to help train and onboard new tutors. Currently, we do not have a video that teaches our new tutors what is expected of them, how to teach, how to find tablets, etc. It is critical to have a precise and concise video outlining the expectations of EduTutor and to help train new tutors efficiently.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Videography + 2

EduTutor - 6 - Info Videos

The main goal of the project is to create short informational videos that highlight the benefits of EduTutor and the unique way that we tutor our students. By the end of the projects, Riipen students will have created several videos highlighting the group sessions, private lessons, how we are different and prepare other videos that can help clients understand our company's mission and methods.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Videography + 3

Web Designer 23-24

The main goal of the project is to work with the CEO and marketing team to create various landing pages, upgrade the current website and to make sure that changes that are proposed to update the website are completed. Creating a website that is visually pleasing while informing the public of what we do is critical.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 2
Category Website development + 1

EduTutor - 4 - Research - Metaverse

The goal of the project is to provide EduTutor with a research paper outlining the pros and cons of the Metaverse with respect to our tutoring company. Is the Metaverse a place where our company could expand? How? What are the issues regarding this possibility, such as security and the safety of our students and staff? By the end of the project, Riipen students will outline their thoughts and research and if the Metaverse is something EduTutor should join.

Admin Chris Ujimoto
Matches 1
Category Market research + 2