Vengo AI
Vengo AI
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Vengo AI is an innovative B2B SaaS platform that democratizes AI creation for businesses of all sizes. Our solution empowers companies to integrate custom AI sales agents, tailored to their unique brand voice and style, into their websites with just one line of code. Designed to drive customer engagement, automate sales, and enhance productivity, Vengo AI combines cutting-edge technology with ease of use. We also offer comprehensive resources like the AI Gold Guide and expert-driven We Do AI For You services to help businesses harness the power of AI seamlessly and effectively. Vengo AI is revolutionizing the way companies engage with customers and scale their operations.

Number of employees
2 - 10 employees
Company website
Business services It & computing Sales Technology
Minority-Owned Women-Owned Disabled-Owned Small Business Employee-Owned
+ 1

Recent projects

Vengo AI SaaS Platform Launch Strategy

Vengo AI is preparing to launch its new B2B SaaS platform and aims to enhance its market visibility while attracting a diverse customer base. The project focuses on developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to the platform's unique value propositions. Learners will analyze current market trends and competitor strategies to identify effective user acquisition and lead generation techniques. The project will involve creating a detailed marketing plan that includes social media campaigns, content marketing, and email outreach. By applying classroom knowledge of digital marketing principles, learners will gain practical experience in crafting strategies that align with business objectives and target audience needs.

Admin Jason Sherman
Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 4

Vengo AI Digital Marketing and User Acquisition Strategy

Vengo AI has launched its B2B SaaS platform with the goal of enhancing market visibility and attracting new customers. This project centers on crafting a strategic digital marketing plan that harnesses diverse online channels to showcase Vengo AI's unique value propositions. A key focus is the AI Gold Guide , a practical resource for businesses mastering AI tools, which includes a free trial offer for Vengo AI. Additionally, the project emphasizes positioning Vengo AI's We Do AI For You services as the go-to solution for businesses seeking tailored AI integration, bridging the gap for business owners needing AI support before becoming customers. By aligning these efforts, the initiative aims to establish Vengo AI's presence in the market, drive engagement, and achieve sustained growth.

Admin Jason Sherman
Matches 0
Category Digital marketing + 4

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