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Communication and Media: Corporate and Cultural Industries Field Placement
CMDS 4140
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on 4th year Communication and Media students from York University to be your learner-consultants, in a project-based experience. Learners will work on one main project over the experience of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Learners in this program get an edge in today’s media-centric and technologically evolving world. They learn to question, analyze and reflect on a wide range of media systems and communication technologies that influence our lives. In the program, learners will gain sound analytical skills, so that they can apply a critical lens to mass media and communication. The objective of this field placement opportunity is for our students to apply their research and communication/media skills in a formal work setting. The intention is for students to work within the organization and apply their abilities in a general project-oriented or project-specific assignment in the field. Students are expected to work on a placement basis 8 hours per week, for 9 weeks in the fall term (September-December 2023) and 9 weeks in the winter term (January-April 2024). Your organization will identify the type(s) of work activities which are required of the student during their placement, allowing us to evaluate the student under the course guidelines while satisfying the needs, goals, and mission of your organization.
Sociology Placement Course
SOCI 4100 6.00
This course places sociology students in not-for-profit, government, and community organizations in order to gain experience and skills in workplaces that respond to social inequalities. In addition, the students will meet regularly in a seminar setting to reflect upon their experience, and connect it to their sociological training.
Communications Placement Experience (for-credit)
CDMS 4140 6.00
Students can carry some of the following tasks: Social media content analytics (e.g., content or discourse analyses of internal or external forms of media); Statistical analysis or surveys that seek to distinguish similarities or differences such as: demographics, constituent opinions, research participants’ preferences or habits; Case studies or ‘communication audits’ utilizing skills that demonstrate the effectiveness of a particular method of communication or media, such as: interpersonal (face-to-face communication), inter-organizational (informal and formal lines of information and communication networks); Production and distribution of media-based publications, entailing audio-visual, or computer-mediated communication such as social media, blogs, digital flyers, digital posters, websites, zoom meetings, etc.; Other types of data collection, including audio, visual (or AV combination); Other tasks as appropriate to the organization and the student’s skill set. Assistance with outreach, public relations, networking, support of communication activities and relations with members, constituents, clients, donors, governments, and/or stakeholders. Partner organization can benefit from: Recruitment pathway – opportunity to recruit new hires with work experience; Students bring fresh and innovative ideas and perspectives; Return on investment with the next generation of talent; Successful and long-lasting partnerships with universities; Advance on projects that allows the company to be innovative and creative; Give back to the overall community.
User Experience Design Capstone for a Website or App
A well-designed user experience builds trust and loyalty with your target audience. UX design creates a positive and well-defined customer journey. In this project, students will implement the UX design process to provide you with an optimized prototype for your website or app. Note: I have taught this course since Feb 2020 and I have had 75+ successful clients thus far. Due to the vast amount of applications, I may not be able to respond to all of you. Please be clear about what your organization does and why you would benefit from the students working on your app or website. The project will begin July 3 - August 27 Please note you're required to dedicate a minimum of a 45-1 hour check-in with the student team every week. Thanks and good luck!
Full-stack Web Application Development
Full-Stack Web Development
Students will design and implement both a front-end and back-end web application for your organization. The application is required to use front-end components (React.js) and back-end services on a Node.js platform such as APIs and relational databases . It will be deployed on Google Cloud
Designing a Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC)
CSCO1070-Cybersecurity Operations Capstone
In-class project Opportunity in Cyber Security Operations: Bring on students from York University from the Cybersecurity Operations program to assist you with a potential real-life challenge in Cybersecurity, in a project-based experience. Students will design a comprehensive Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) with a unified design that will be customized according to the client’s needs. The project will comprise three main stages; requirements elicitation and analysis, design and architecture, and presentation and recommendations. Students will work on cybersecurity projects over the course period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students are available for 39 hours of placement from July 4th to August 15th 2023.
Applied Marketing Management
ADMS 3220
Students analyze marketing problems and develop solutions to real-world situations. This course provides students with more advanced marketing theory, builds on some of what they already know, and provides an opportunity for them to apply their knowledge to a real client such as your own organization. Much of the focus of this course is on marketing planning, Past clients have received either a marketing plan or an output which addresses a marketing requirement, such as a marketing communications plan. We generally work with clients that have been in business for at least a few years, have gone through early growth and now want to expand their markets or improve their revenues. Clients' annual revenues are generally material - in excess of $0.5- 1 million, sometimes materially more. Past client projects have involved issues such as market penetration, awareness, US market entry, Canadian and/or US market development, customer attraction, and customer retention.
Applied Marketing Management
ADMS 3220
Students analyze marketing problems and develop solutions to real-world situations. This course provides students with more advanced marketing theory, builds on some of what they already know, and provides an opportunity for them to apply their knowledge to a real client such as your own organization. Much of the focus of this course is on marketing planning, Past clients have received either a marketing plan or an output which addresses a marketing requirement, such as a marketing communications plan. We generally work with clients that have been in business for at least a few years, have gone through early growth and now want to expand their markets or improve their revenues. Clients' annual revenues are generally material - in excess of $0.5- 1 million, sometimes materially more. Past client projects have involved issues such as market penetration, awareness, US market entry, Canadian and/or US market development, customer attraction, and customer retention.
Statistical Consulting Practicum
Math 6627
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from York University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course will work in groups to complete a full data analysis from start to finish. They will be assigned a dataset from a given company and research questions. Students will also complete exploratory data analysis, propose and execute a modelling strategy to draw insights from the given data.
Research Seminar in Economics
ECON 4089
The Research Seminar in Economics course offers advanced economics majors the opportunity to experience first-hand how the core methods and tools of economic analysis are applied to understand and solve economic problems faced by business organizations and policymakers. The course builds upon theoretical knowledge and quantitative and analytical skills developed in the prerequisite courses to guide students in producing an original research paper on a topic identified in collaboration with you under the supervision of the instructor. Students can partner with you to Use the correct theoretical approach to frame the issue identified in conjunction with you. Conduct literature review; analyze and critically assess relevant work applicable to the research project. Identify and apply the appropriate technical and analytical tools for addressing the problem at hand Articulate evidence-based conclusions and provide appropriate recommendations.
Live Client Learning Marketing W22
ADMS 4211
The Live Client Learning (LCL) Marketing course is a 13-week long experiential learning program from YorkU offered once a year, that is an opportunity for companies to share their marketing challenge with top marketing students. Students who apply into the program are screened and interviewed for their skill, will and interest to withstand the rigor of this program. 10 top students (divided into 2 competing teams) dive into the marketing challenge and present a go-to-market strategy to the companies' business/marketing leaders, who judge their presentations. Due to time limitations and criteria of the program, a maximum of only 5 companies can participate in this program. Key marketing leaders of each company are invited to engage at least twice with students online: 1st to brief the teams and then to judge their presentations. The students are engaged to work on a live marketing challenge and companies walk away with a go-to-market strategy and creative marketing solutions.
Software Engineering Testing - Winter 2023
EECS 4313
Bring on fourth year Computer Science students from York University's Lassonde School of Engineering to be your program tester, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester. Community partners are invited to present a specification-based and code-based testing challenge for the students to address for the duration of the semester. Upon successful completion of the project, students should be able to produce quality written reports describing their testing.
Mechanical Engineering
MECH 2112
Community partners are invited to present a challenge, question, or issue to be explored or analyzed by Mechanical Engineering students. Students will first work to define the problem in a way that leads to solutions, then apply their developing knowledge on the issues presented and provide a conceptual solution. Students will use a process called human-centred design. By completing this project, students will experience how they can create a positive change in society through the lens of engineering & technology. Through this process, students will practice empathizing and communicating with technical and non-technical stakeholders.
ITEC4310 Projects
Student in groups of 3-4 will spend 4 weeks on a project based on an AI component IBM Bluemix (e.g. IBM Watson). Project examples that students can complete may include, but are not limited to: Building a virtual assistant to support a website Building an email sorting tool Searching for new patterns in a large data set
Applied Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson
Develop pilot projects using IBM Watson technology.
Applied Marketing Management
ADMS 3220
Students analyze marketing problems and develop solutions to real-world situations. This course provides students with more advanced marketing theory, builds on some of what they already know, and provides an opportunity for them to apply their knowledge to a real client such as your own organization. Much of the focus of this course is on marketing planning, Past clients have received either a marketing plan or an output which addresses a marketing requirement, such as a marketing communications plan. We generally work with clients that have been in business for at least a few years, have gone through early growth and now want to expand their markets or improve their revenues. Clients' annual revenues are generally material - in excess of $0.5- 1 million, sometimes materially more. Past client projects have involved issues such as market penetration, awareness, US market entry, Canadian and/or US market development, customer attraction, and customer retention.
Software Engineering Testing
EECS 4313
Bring on fourth year Computer Science students from York University's Lassonde School of Engineering to be your program tester, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester. Community partners are invited to present a specification-based and code-based testing challenge for the students to address for the duration of the semester. Upon successful completion of the project, students should be able to produce quality written reports describing their testing.
Applied Marketing Management
ADMS 3220
Students analyze marketing problems and develop marketing solutions to real-world situations. This course provides students with an opportunity to apply their marketing knowledge to a real client such as your own organization. Much of the focus of this course is on marketing planning and clients will receive a complete marketing plan (including situation analysis, segmentation, targeting, positioning, marketing strategy and implementation plan) from student groups.
Women in Leadership - Project Managers
We're offering your organization an exciting opportunity to support a newcomer woman in launching her career in Canada! Bring on students from our Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership program who are ready to break into the workforce as interns in a project-based experience. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period. Our students are immigrant and refugee women who bring a plethora of knowledge and skills in their areas of expertise. Over 90% of our students have a minimum of a Bachelor degree, with many having a Masters degree or more, and at least three years of experience in their field. Students in this program are poised to succeed in the integrated work areas of: Project Management, Leadership, EDI & more! Students are required to complete 120 hours of placement between July - September. We are looking for paid internship opportunities. Some funding is available to assist with payment on a case by case basis.
Virtual Marketing Internship
Out of the Schulich School of Business, the York Marketing Association (YMA) has launched The Internship Project , connecting startups and businesses in the community with our undergraduate marketing students. We strive to provide our students with real-world experiences while also supporting organizations that may need an extra set of hands this summer. This opportunity prompts your organization to bring on one or more undergraduate marketing students from the Schulich School of Business to be your interns, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one or more projects of their choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students are available from May 01 to August 31, 2022, over the course of the summer. Student placements will occur virtually. All requests will come through the YMA team. If you are contacted by a student, please refer them to partnership@yorkmarketing.ca .
Capstone course BA Educational Studies
EDST 4999
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from York University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course between November and March in their final year, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. This course encourages students to apply their learning from across the program in a practical application. Reflection on academic theory is used as a point of departure. An important focus of the course is developing the skills necessary to successfully complete an inquiry project.
Doing Culture: Narratives of Cultural Production W22
HUMA 3207
Doing Culture is an interdisciplinary third year university course in which students learn how the cultural sector is operationalized by working collaboratively with organizations that contribute to the culture sector in orer to meet their mandate, improve, plan and/or extend their programming goals, and/or assess their impact on their stakeholders.
Software Engineering Testing
EECS 4313
Bring on fourth year Computer Science students from York University's Lassonde School of Engineering to be your program tester, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester. Community partners are invited to present a specification-based and code-based testing challenge for the students to address for the duration of the semester. Upon successful completion of the project, students should be able to produce quality written reports describing their testing.
Live Client Learning Marketing W22
ADMS 4211
The Live Client Learning (LCL) Marketing course is a 13-week long experiential learning program from YorkU offered once a year, that is an opportunity for companies to share their marketing challenge with top marketing students. Students who apply into the program are screened and interviewed for their skill, will and interest to withstand the rigor of this program. 10 top students (divided into 2 competing teams) dive into the marketing challenge and present a go-to-market strategy to the companies' business/marketing leaders, who judge their presentations. Due to time limitations and criteria of the program, a maximum of only 5 companies can participate in this program. Key marketing leaders of each company are invited to engage at least twice with students online: 1st to brief the teams and then to judge their presentations. The students are engaged to work on a live marketing challenge and companies walk away with a go-to-market strategy and creative marketing solutions.
Live Client Learning Marketing
ADMS 4211
The Live Client Learning (LCL) Marketing course is a 13-week long experiential learning program from YorkU offered once a year, that is an opportunity for companies to share their marketing challenge with top marketing students. Students who apply into the program are screened and interviewed for their skill, will and interest to withstand the rigor of this program. 10 top students (divided into 2 competing teams) dive into the marketing challenge and present a go-to-market strategy to the companies' business/marketing leaders, who judge their presentations. Due to time limitations and criteria of the program, a maximum of only 5 companies can participate in this program. Key marketing leaders of each company are invited to engage at least twice with students online: 1st to brief the teams and then to judge their presentations. The students are engaged to work on a live marketing challenge and companies walk away with a go-to-market strategy and creative marketing solutions.
Mechanical Engineering
MECH 2112
Community partners are invited to present a challenge, question, or issue to be explored or analyzed by Mechanical Engineering students. Students will first work to define the problem in a way that leads to solutions, then apply their developing knowledge on the issues presented and provide a conceptual solution. Students will use a process called human-centred design. By completing this project, students will experience how they can create a positive change in society through the lens of engineering & technology. Through this process, students will practice empathizing and communicating with technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Full-stack Web Application Development
Students will design and implement both a front-end and back-end web application for your organization. The application is required to use front-end components (React.js) and back-end services on a Node.js platform such as APIs and relational databases . It will be deployed on Google Cloud
Applied Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson
Develop pilot projects using IBM Watson technology.
Virtual Marketing Internship
Out of the Schulich School of Business, the York Marketing Association has launched The Internship Project , connecting startups and businesses in the community with our undergraduate marketing students. We strive to provide our students with real-world experiences while also supporting organizations that may need an extra set of hands this summer. This opportunity prompts your organization to bring on one or more undergraduate marketing students from the Schulich School of Business to be your interns, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students are available from May 01 to August 31, 2021, over the course of the summer. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student placements will occur virtually. All requests will come through the York Marketing Association team. If you are contacted by a student, please refer them to partnership@yorkmarketing.ca .
Doing Culture: Narratives of Cultural Production
HUMA 3207
Doing Culture is an interdisciplinary third year university course in which students learn how the cultural sector is operationalized by working collaboratively with organizations that contribute to the culture sector in orer to meet their mandate, improve, plan and/or extend their programming goals, and/or assess their impact on their stakeholders.