Shweta S
Student -
Accounting Operations Project management Information technology


Research 6 Market research 3 Marketing 2 Sales 2 Artificial intelligence 1 Coaching 1 Communication 1 Competitive analysis 1 Ethical standards and conduct 1 Experimentation 1 Food delivery 1 Innovation 1 Leadership 1 Lean startup methodology 1 Management 1 Market opportunities 1 Mentorship 1 Merchandising 1 Operations 1 Paragraphs 1 Preparing executive summaries 1 Program management 1 Sales prospecting 1 Secondary research 1 Talent sourcing 1 Target audience 1 Target market 1 Web analytics 1 Web conferencing 1


Latest feedback

Aniket Malvankar
Aniket Malvankar
May 17, 2021
Team feedback
Shweta was very responsive and provided great insights about market research for our product idea.
Target market Sales prospecting Sales Research
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Level UP Sales Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Product Bricks Ventures
Strategic Prospecting Plan
Product Bricks Ventures
Mohamed Aly
May 21, 2021
Team feedback
Shewta was great to work with. She was professional in her communication, hard working, and eventually executed a project up to the expectations.
Preparing executive summaries Secondary research Research
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Level UP Accounting & Finance Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Ommaty Tech
Pricing Model Development
Ommaty Tech
Erin Ward
January 23, 2022
Team feedback
I really enjoyed the feeling of being supported by students in our business endeavors. Working colaboratively was enjoyable and provided us with fresh problem solving ideas as well as new feedback on what is working well. We discussed a little bit about every aspect of our business and went through the process of finding out what to focus on together which I think allowed for creativity and as well as time mangement. I feel clearer now about the business needs and strengths through our conversations as we all put our brains to work. Creating the surveys was amazing and the feedback from customers so valuable for Cowichan Recyclists. Through the project we gained our first delivery customer which was an added surprise bonus and shows that what we chose to focus on, which was mostly the surveys, was a good choice. We are excited to continue the work, yet we won't be able to do it on our own, so we will probably start another student project - these projects are so valuable for us, we need this student support. Thank you so much !! :)
Communication Research Innovation Leadership Market research Food delivery Experimentation
Venture for Canada (VFC)
December/decembre 2021
Venture for Canada (VFC)
Cowichan Recyclists
Cowichan Recyclists - Market Research + Communications
Cowichan Recyclists

Recent projects

Golden Next Ventures
Golden Next Ventures
New Delhi, Delhi, India

Competitive Analysis & Overseas Expansion

It’s important for us to have a better understanding of how our target audience perceives our brand and competitors. We want to develop clarity on our competitive advantages and optimize our marketing strategy. This project will include: Identification of our current competitorsIdentification of potential future competitors (eg. a large company in a similar industry that may enter the space)The creation of a matrix identifying features shared across the companies and those that are different.A summary of 2-4 paragraphs describing our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to the competition identified. This could be done in the form of a SWOT analysis.An outline of our industry’s expansion opportunities through a location analysis. This report should include an optimal location recommendation list. We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as personnel, website analytics, sales and brand collateral, and more. We can suggest names of competitors to research. Objective We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the competitors in our space and how we can differentiate ourselves through our product/service offering, and our messaging. Presently we only exist in one market but it’s time to grow! Our company requires some assistance in assessing our customer landscape outside of our current territory. We want to learn more about customer’s expectations and behaviors in suggested new regions. It is important for us to stay up to date on industry standards to ensure that we research new locations fully and completely before choosing to enter. We have some ideas of where we would like to go but we need to make sure that we consider all available options before making a decision. To consider: which markets align with our current one? Where are there buyers that we have yet to reach? What are the pros and cons of expanding our operations? What potential competitors exist in new locations? What legal protocol will need to be considered? Potential recommendations could be new products, new geographies, and new partnerships.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 1
Product Bricks Ventures
Product Bricks Ventures
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Strategic Prospecting Plan

Positions available: 1 team of 3 persons To become a proactive sales team, we need assistance developing an outreach process. We would like to equip our sales team with a plan that guides them in researching new prospects, identifying key contacts, and reaching out with compelling messages. We would like you to create a simple step-by-step strategy for prospecting in our target market. The project may include, but is not limited to: Identifying new potential accounts that align with our current customer base. Compiling relevant market information. Building a customizable outreach script. Creating a simple tracking framework, including metrics, for measuring outreach success. The final project deliverable is a report including research, analysis, and recommendations. It should assist our sales team in successfully prospecting within our target market with actionable recommendations that will increase sales conversions.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4
Ommaty Tech
Ommaty Tech
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Pricing Model Development

Positions available: 3 Details We would like you to develop and test a series of pricing model options and present an effective data-based pricing model recommendation for our organization. You should conduct primary and secondary research to confirm your recommendation is validated by our target customer in this market. To accomplish this, we believe you will need to conduct the following research: Our organization’s costs, target customer, revenue targets, and business goals. The services we offer the businesses and how they compare to our competitors. We want to enter the market with a proven pricing model so that we can have a successful launch. Final deliverables should include: A written report including an Executive Summary that illustrates your research findings and recommendations on our pricing model. A visual presentation of your research findings and recommendations.

Matches 2
Category Marketing - general + 4
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

VFC- AI Shading (The Tesla of Window Covering Market) - Startup

HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE?/DE COMBIEN D’ÉTUDIANTS AVEZ-VOUS BESOIN POUR EXÉCUTER CE PROJET? 5 students TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Contribute to building AI Shading from startup into the next unicorn. Primary market research - conduct Customer discovery, using HubSpot Complete project development of varying complexity. Identify opportunities for new products and product improvements UNIQUE ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS : Follow Lean startup methodology, both technology development and business development. Create, develop, and maintain contacts in HubSpot Attend industry events, networking, and conduct customer interviews Research building sustainability trends, develop market opportunity ideas. Attend weekly team meetings PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Zack Zhang, CEO, is the main mentor. Students will also be working closely with AI Shading team.

Matches 3
Category Market research + 4